Kursevi & Radionice

Kako da re-programiraš svoj mozak i budeš još produktivniji (+poklon edukacija)

- Alfa Projekat

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Kako da re-programiraš svoj mozak i budeš još produktivniji

Alfa projekat (Hadži Branko Miletić)

Wellness luminary Ben Greenfield presents a blueprint to extraordinary longevity and health: based on leading-edge science and data from the world’s longest-living communities.

Uživo & online preko Zoom-a


TikTok masterPRO radionica

Wellness luminary Ben Greenfield presents a blueprint to extraordinary longevity and health: based on leading-edge science and data from the world’s longest-living communities.

Uživo & online preko Zoom-a


Makeup artist i online editovanje videa

Wellness luminary Ben Greenfield presents a blueprint to extraordinary longevity and health: based on leading-edge science and data from the world’s longest-living communities.

Uživo & online preko Zoom-a
